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Healthy Leadership

We can help you:

  • Paint the right kind of big picture - check on your mission, vision, values and behaviours

  • Focus on your heads – determine your goals and clarify roles expectations

  • Understand and overcome the barriers to victory and drive delivery

  • Focus on your hearts – ensure the work has real meaning for all, that people see the personal impact they can have and that team relationships are strengthened

  • Create a spirit of psychological safety that breeds success

Leaders who enable their employees to feel psychologically safe at work and enjoy a good degree of mental health will be more successful than those who don’t. Latest research shows teams that are psychologically safe and mentally healthy outperform those that aren’t.


Historically, Health and Safety has focussed mainly on physical safety. There is now growing evidence of how our mental health and mindsets are critical to our success – that our wellbeing, sense of fulfilment and happiness influence our level of sustainable functioning.

Leaders who seek to combine attention to these ‘soft’ issues with their management of the ‘hard’ elements of business life – who seek to understand the needs and emotions of their staff and respond accordingly whilst also maintaining a results focus - will reap durable higher performance and enhanced results.


OPT leadership works with organisations around the world. We have studied and practised over four decades this twin pronged approach to organisational, team and personal excellence

You already have a wealth of intellect, experience and technical competence. Combine this with a growing sense of emotional intelligence and insight into what makes people thrive and maximise their positive impact AND you can build a high performance organisation that builds enduring success. We help leaders do just that.

If you are interested in Healthy Leadership, get in touch!


OPT Leadership Ltd, Water Edge, Dittisham, Dartmouth TQ6 0HY

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